Oct 3rd 2023 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns, K. Connor, S Brookfield, L Salton, M. Davies, J. Hamer, J. East, D.
Smith, N. Slater, P Browne, B. Taylor.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Coun Entwistle.
3.Declaration of interests :
Couns East and Salton on Darwen Rotary Club.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Floral planters
Coun Brookfield said the planters were looking excellent. Coun East said he was in talks
with Four Seasons about the possibility of planting up more.
4.2 Heritage/Industrial Past Project
Phase One is near completion and looks good. Councillors to vote on phase two before it
begins. The tower project is also in hand.
4.3 Future election costs
Coun Connor has liaised with BWD’s legal officer and submitted an argument on behalf of
the town council and this is still being discussed at borough level.
4.4 Darwen Fire Cadets
Couns East and Hamer had passed on ideas for funding and ideas to the cadets and are
waiting to hear back.
4.5 Policing in Darwen
The police and crime commissioner’s office had written to say there will be a delay in
responding due to holidays. Coun Slater said promises of more police had been made in
the town and this should be applauded. It was suggested this was a short term measure
for a special operation.
4.6 We Love Blackburn signs
Coun Smith said these had been put up by a charity which also serves Darwen and had
been taken down. It was suggested the town council could also advertise on the bus stop
shelters if required at a cost.
5. Public Forum
Mr Tony Foster raised the lack of information in Darwen library on the Darwen Town Deal.
Coun Connor explained the process and said publicity was given out as projects were
finalised, with the main project starting in May after Darwen Live. A comprehensive guide
had been published in The Shuttle. Coun East said the board meetings are open to the
public and this should be flagged up.
6 Mayor’s update
The Mayor had attended the Rotary Club fun day which was a big success, raising £1,200
for local charities and said the square looking wonderful. Coun Slater asked for a letter of
thanks to be sent to the club.
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor had been in discussions with the band competition organisers over the
possibility of moving venues nearer to the club headquarters in Bridge Street. Various
venues were suggested around and in the car park at Peabody Street.
The library theatre had asked if funding for the afternoon matinees for the elderly would be
continued and it was agreed that £2,500 be given when appropriate.
10. Correspondence
Coun Taylor circulated a letter from a scout who had received funding from the town
council for a jamboree in South Korea and wanted to report back. It had been suggested a
video is made and circulated. Coun East had suggested further funding ideas for a future
Information received relating to Ful/2022.0149 – appeal reference
APP/Z2315/W/23/3325783 – Prospect (GB) Ltd inquiry opening date, October 24th;
Proposed rooftop installation upgrade at Cornerstone 12935125, Ellenshaw Works and
the construction if a new manufacturing research centre, along with 10 smaller industrial
units with car parking and landscaping at land off Goose Lane.
11. Updates
Coun Davies had spoken to the town crier who wishes to have more input in events. It was
agreed Coun Davies would speak to organisers of events to see whether the crier can be
utlitised and then speak to him to ensure he is happy with the arrangements. Coun Taylor
suggested as the town crier has his own uniform, the council arrange for the official one to
be placed in Darwen Heritage Centre.
Coun Brookfield said an application had been submitted for consideration by Bold Venture
Coun Davies said BWD had requested funding for the Christmas lights switch on goes up
to £10,000 to help with increasing costs. It was agreed this would happen for this year and
then an appraisal will be undertaken to see value for money, before any decision is made
on future year’s funding. Coun Connor said a QR code is to be provided on posters linking
to the charities of the BWD and Darwen Mayor’s charities.
12. Finance
In – £61,000, second part of the precept.
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension
£75 – Royal Mail for postage.
£502.61 – Darwen Healthcare for vaccination campaign for children.
£50 – J Barritt, PAYE.
13. Any other business
14 Part 2 – press and public excluded
15 Date of next meeting
November 7th, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by October
30th please. Please note the December meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12th
as previously agreed.