Oct 2nd 2024 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns Brookfield (Mayor), Hamer (Leader), Smith, Dugan, McCaughran, Duncan,
Taylor, Dobson, Skipper, Westall, Shaw, O’Garr and Gibson.
1.Welcome and introduction:.. A minute’s silence was observed to mark the sad death of former
councillor and Mayor, Mrs Eileen Entwistle.
2. Apologies
3.Declaration of interests :
Coun O’Garr on Darwen Gala and Coun Taylor on Royal British Legion.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed, with a correction on item 8, with Coun Duncan clarifying that the town council
could offer local advice, rather than make the final decision, when council owned shop units in the
town come up for occupancy .
4.1 Darwen Towers
The firm which holds the tower cast has quoted £80 per unpainted tower. Coun Duncan suggested
a stall is set up at the artisan market to gauge local interest for selling the towers and Coun O’Garr
to look in to seeking a cheaper cost to reproduce.
5. Questions from residents
A number of residents attended the meeting to ask questions over land which has been acquired by
the travelling community in Whitehall and is subject to a stop notice for unauthorised work from
BWD. There was concern raised by Coun Duncan and echoed by the residents, that work was
continuing despite the legal status and access to the site was being used via the park. The
residents asked the town council to contact BWD and invite the legal representatives to a public
meeting to iron out fears.
Coun Taylor advised the residents that no action could be taken as the site is under appeal and he
and Coun Shaw informed residents that the item is not in the town council’s remit and the correct
place for questions is at the BWD council forum on October 3rd, with the deadline for questions
closed on October 2nd at 4 p.m. The next meeting opportunity would be at the executive board on
October 10th .
6. Mayor’s update
No updates.
7. Leader’s report
Coun Hamer had dealt with administrative tasks.
8 Whitehall Travellers Site
Dealt with in item 5.
9. Correspondence
Details of a temporary closure of footpath 142 Tockholes and 72 Darwen were circulated.
10 Updates
The Christmas lights switch on is on November 16th and the town crier has been invited.
Friends of Bold Venture Park had thanked the council for their grant and asked for a town crest to
use on the benches. Couns O’Garr and Shaw to source a new drawing of the crest which can be
used on official projects.
Heritage week had been held.
Coun O’Garr had been in discussion with the organiser of the artisan market over the use of council
owned furniture for stalls. Coun Westall said he had access to new furniture which could be used
for a small fee.
Remembrance Day service was discussed and the RBL to be offered the use of a speaker system.
Three wreaths have been ordered from the RBL.
Applications for funding from the town awards had been submitted by Textile Together and St
Edward’s Stay and Play and Coun Shaw is advising on funding opportunities.
A group has been formed to revive Darwen Gala, with the first planned for 2026 and an appeal had
been made for annual funding and funding to buy equipment. It was agreed the committee could
use town council equipment in the first instance and apply for funding from the town awards.
11. Finance
£50 – J Barritt, PAYE.
£860 – R Hay for salary and expenses.
£147.50 – Clerk’s pension contribution.
£1,000 – Blackburn and Darwen Band for competition transport.
£6,945 – Four Seasons Garden Centre for autumn planting.
£82.50 – RBL for poppy wreaths.
£100 – Donation to the Alzheimers Society in memory of former Mayor and town councillor, Mrs
Eileen Entwistle.
12. Any other business