Nov 7th 2023 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns, K. Connor, S Brookfield, M. Davies, J. Hamer, D. Smith, N. Slater, B.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Coun Entwistle, Salton, East and Browne.
3.Declaration of interests :
Couns Slater on the Royal British Legion
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Heritage/Industrial Past Project
Councillors to vote on phase two and funding at the December meeting.
4.2Policing in Darwen
The Police and Crime Commissioner said he shared the council’s concerns in relation to
anti-social behaviour (ASB), however, the day to day deployment of officers and
operational decisions are made by the Chief Constable and his team, ensuring that the
Constabulary have the right resources in the right place on any given day to take the fight
to criminals and keep areas like Darwen safe.
Mr Snowden said that over the last two years, the establishment for the Neighbourhood
Policing Team has stayed the same. However they have had an increase of 1 Police
Constable for the taskforce establishment. In Blackburn with Darwen’s Neighbourhood
Policing Team, there are four sergeants, 14 Police Constables (2 of there are BID funded)
and 26 PCSO posts. There is also a Taskforce team with 1 Sergeant and 6 Police
Getting Tough on ASB is the Commissioner’s top priority in his Fighting Crime Plan. The
Commissioner and Lancashire Constabulary have officially launched a further 8 Op
Centurion Areas that will benefit from additional resources to tackle ASB within their local
areas. Through funding secured from the Home Office, Darwen will benefit from additional
police foot patrols from October 2023.
It was agreed that the response had not really answered the original query as it had also
included Blackburn in the reply. It was agreed that Coun Smith would send in a response
asking for further clarification.
5. Public Forum
Mr Tony Foster raised the lack of poppies around the town in public places and asked if
this could be rectified in 2024 as it is the 80th anniversary of D Day and also
commemoration of the end of World War II.
Coun Connor said he would get in touch with the local Royal British Legion to see if
anything could be done for this year and to ensure poppies are displayed in 2024.
6 Mayor’s update
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor said the brass band has entered a competition in the south of England and
come 6th, which was excellent news.
8. Town Council Election Cost
Coun Connor gave details of his discussion with BWD re the election costs. A copy of the
response had been circulated to members, with ideas of how to finance without putting too
much strain on the precept. Coun Smith said the town council needs to concentrate on the
costs of the polling stations which like staff costs, are fixed, costs of the postal vote packs
and ask for the PCC grant to be distributed proportionately. Coun Smith to discuss with
9. Correspondence
A letter asking for help with funding had been received from Darwen Scouts and the clerk
asked to refer the group to the community awards scheme.
Sent on the round robin were BWD’s climate impact framework, supplementary planning
document and further consultation on a plan to divert footpath 91 Darwen at Lord’s Hall.
10. Updates
Coun Brookfield said an application by Bold Venture Park had been agreed to pay for a
revamp of the sculpture trail at a cost of £3,397.20. Invoices to be sent to the clerk to
reclaim VAT.
Coun Davies had informed BWD of the council’s decision to increase the contribution
towards the Christmas lights for this year and will then be reviewed annually. The town
crier is to be involved with more events in Darwen.
Coun Brookfield gave details of a brass band concert on Sunday, December 10th at
Darwen Library Theatre at 2 p.m. in aid of the Mayor’s charity. Tickets are £6 and she
urged all members to attend.
Coun Hamer said there had been no town award applications and no further information
yet from the fire cadets.
Coun Slater asked for more details on a planning issue regarding the youth centre and the
car park at the back.
Coun Taylor asked that costings be found for lighting up the town hall as a legacy of the
current council. Coun Connor said this and other ideas could be discussed once the town
deal has been finalised.
11. Finance
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£5,590 – Four Seasons for autumn planting.
£837 – Shane Johnstone for jubilee tower restoration and installation.
12. Any other business
13 Part 2 – press and public excluded
14 Date of next meeting
December 13th, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by
November 30th please