Coronavirus August Update
It was agreed to give a grant of £900 to Meeting Places, a new social project.
Following long discussions with Barclays Bank, the bank account is to stay the same to give an option for cheques and electronic transactions if necessary as cheques are deemed as safer as they can be cancelled. Because the council’s annual turnover is more than £150,000, the council has to have a business, rather than community account and a monthly charge is applicable even if switched to an E account.
Information regarding the Darwen Deal has been circulated to councillors and via the council website and social media.
Arrangements are to be made to deliver the safety A boards to the local schools when they are open.
2. Correspondence
Notice of planning applications were forwarded to town councillors..
Darwen Royal British Legion are holding a wreath laying ceremony outside Darwen Town Hall on Saturday, August 15th at 11 a.m. to mark VJ Day.
A physical meeting was held to discuss the accounts, please see separate meeting mintues:.
Received – £82.01 – low claims rebate from the insurance.
Authorised payments for July:
£250 – Stevensons Memorial for town hall inscription.
£682 – R Hay, salary and expenses,
£107.32 – Clerk’s pension.
£25 – M. Atkinson for fitting the noticeboard.
£900 – Meeting Places grant
£5,316 – Four Seasons Garden Centre for plants.
£40 – J. Barritt – PAYE
£695 – R Hay, salary and expenses,
£107.32 – Clerk’s pension.
£5.13 – HMRC
4. Meeting
Protocol for Zoom meetings if required, was agreed at the special meeting. A decision on the format of the meeting and date will be agreed by August 24th to allow for the latest COVID 19 guidelines.