Cornavirus Lockdown Update
Coun. Brian Taylor had followed up a previous request by councillors to have Richard Westhead’s name added to the Lion’s plaque in the town hall. It has also been suggested Roy Watson, former chief fire officer for Lancashire’s name is also added and the town council to pay half the costs. This was agreed and Coun. East to contact Brent Stevenson to sort out.
Both Darwen Cricket Club and AFC had approached the council for help with funding during the COVID 19 crisis. It was agreed to give each £1,000. Couns. Browne and Davies expressed concern that other worthwhile causes and sporting groups would miss out.
Information regarding help from local firms and the NHS during the COVID 19 crisis has been updated on the council website and social media.
2. Correspondence
Clerk’s Direct has been received.
The internal auditor is currently examining the books.
The clerk is currently working with Barclays Bank to try and sort out the paperwork needed to open an E Account inorder for BACAS to be used instead of cheques. This has been delayed due to the banking customer service department in India being closed currently.
Authorised payments:
£1,000 – AFC Darwen – donation towards COVID 19 crisis.
£1,000 – Darwen Cricket Club – donation towards COVID 19 crisis.
£107.32– LCC – clerk’s pension contribution
£680 – R Hay, salary and expenses.
£65 – Post Office Counter, postage.
4. Meeting
Government legislation states that parish and town councils have to hold physical rather than virtual meetings. It is proposed that a date of Tuesday, July 7th , depending on latest advice nearer the time.